Waking Alone On Purpose

My daughter calls this ‘The Invisible Painting’ – which is astute – though one must ask, ‘invisible for whom?’.

50 years old (almost) and increasingly more visible – to myself – while progressively less so within society.

Simultaneously both 50 and 5 – Mini Kat, My Being & I – We now understand Our worth. Curious about those who truly resonate with my highest self, no longer my wounded self. Consciously seeking connections from worth not wound - soul friends not wound friends.

I am enough. By myself. I see me.

If you merely glance at this painting, you may only see that it is silver - the paint a little aged. Though I invite you to sit with her, be inquisitive, behold her for a while and you may just see - This painting holds all the colours of the rainbow. Shimmering, shining, iridescent, radiant, playful, powerful. Embodied in the silver is a knowing.

December 2022


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Waking Alone On Purpose: acrylic, wire, metal pigments on OSB (approx 240x120x30cm) ©KAT