Directed and Produced by my beautiful daughter, Rebecca Hagen - Preparing for my next Solo exhibition, Sjøholmen Kunst og Kulturhus, Bærum (near Oslo), Norway. June 8th to August 20th, 2023.
Artak150 Gallery, Reyjavik, Iceland 02.02 - 04.02
“Visual notes” by Kat Hagen
A glimpse into my field work - work done during a 4 week residency in Iceland 01.01.-31.01.23. My recordings of ‘Keynotes’ from the soundscape have been juxtaposed with ‘sketches’ (photos) of the tactile, fixed yet fluid, ever changing dynamics of the landscape in the creation of my series of ‘Visual Notes’.
These notes will form the base of a large-scale painting/installation which I will start developing over the coming months.
For more information regarding the event in Reyjavik, click here
As 2022 comes to an end,
As 2022 comes to an end, I would like to take the opportunity to share a little about my art practice this last year.
Read MoreEmanuel Vigeland Museum, Oslo 11.09.21
My wonderful friend and co creator of KunstKRAFT, performance artist, vocalist and composer Annikensk invited me to be her ‘echo’ during her first performance in her new series VOLUM. The expression was ‘naked’ and improvised with the sound of voices, instruments and my chalk creating my marks - the visual echos. A beautiful experience. We will return
'A pop up within a pop up'
It was truly a great joy for all who attended, and especially for Revital and I when the wonderful Revital Carroll came to dance with me/my canvas in Rjukan 30th Dec - In her words, 'following the flow to self-discovery and connection .. '
Read MoreSjøholmens KunstPrat med Mette Torstensen presenterer Kat Hagen
'Simply Kat' - Solo show and book launch, Sjøholmen
Exhibition now open, running until the 24th of October 2021. Sjøholmen Kunst og Kulturhus, Bærum, Norway
'The Art of Kat' - A film by Rebecca Hagen
A beautiful gift from my beautiful daughter who is currently studying film in London. As part of her studies, she was asked to make a short portrait film. She choose to make one featuring me/ my art…
Read MoreThe Virtual Art Park of Sjøholmen
I have been invited to join the exhibition ‘The Virtual Art Park of Sjøholmen’ at Sjøholmen Kunst og Kulturhus just outside of Oslo…
Read MoreNRK radio Kulturreportasjen
Sept 5th 2020 ‘Kat Hagen, britisk arkitekt og kunstner inviterer deg med på en oppdagelsestur i verdensarvbyen Rjukan.’ v/ Guri Skeie
Read MoreSocial distancing walks
hunting for fairies ... Just my dog, the kidult and I …
Social distancing walks
My dog, my pocket camera and I, playing with shadows in Rjukan Nærings Park